A blog about roasting and grinding chili peppers into fresh spices.
If you are here, you might be interested in how to roast and grind your own chili peppers! I have recently started roasting and grinding my own spices, and the results have been incredible. Fresh ground spices retain the essential oils and aromatics, which is what gives them their flavor. I tried a few different methods, but most were too much work or didn’t give me the fine grind that I wanted. The best method was to use a coffee bean grinder, they are cheap ($25) and work like a charm!
I also found that it is important to dry the chilis thoroughly before grinding. If they aren’t dried well enough, then some will get stuck in the burrs of the grinder and you won’t have a consistent texture. For smaller chilis (like Thai peppers), it takes a few days for them to dry out in an open area with good airflow. For larger chilis (like jalapenos), it takes at least a week. I actually just got tired of waiting for them to dry out and hung them up on some string – they took 2-3 weeks this way, but they were completely dried out after this time period.
I’m a spice-o-phile. I love spicy food and I love fresh spices. Chili peppers are one of my favorite spices to cook with, but roasting and grinding them is a bit of an extra step.
I’ve always bought whole chili peppers at the store, roasted them on my gas stove or in the oven, then ground them into chili powder using a mortar and pestle. It’s pretty simple, but you can only do it in small batches and it requires some extra effort.
Being lazy, I wanted a way to roast and grind large batches of chili peppers all at once. So I bought myself a dehydrator for my birthday, which will let me roast peppers and dry them out so that I can grind them up into powders later.
Here’s what I’m planning on doing: buy a lot of dried chili peppers (about 20 pounds), roast them all at once in the dehydrator, then grind them up in my Vita Mix blender (which is AWESOME for grinding stuff) and store the powders for future use.
I’ll be documenting this process on here as I do it with step by step instructions and photos so that you can see how easy it is to do yourself.
This blog will show you how to roast and grind your own chili peppers. Chili peppers are used in many cuisines around the world. They add great flavor and heat to Mexican, Indian, Chinese, South American dishes, and more. I love them so much that I began growing my own varieties in my garden and drying them to use in cooking year-round.
These days it is easy to find fresh chilis at the grocery store. But when they aren’t in season, what can you do? Well, if you live in a warm climate where chilis grow well, you can start your own plants from seeds and grow fresh chilis yourself! Or, if you don’t have a green thumb or live where the weather won’t cooperate, you can always roast and grind chili peppers yourself. It’s not hard! Come on in to see how this is done!
Note: This article is about roasting chili peppers of any sort – not just serrano peppers. If you have a favorite pepper variety that grows well for you or one that you have grown yourself, be sure to use those instead of store-bought ones.
Have you ever been at a restaurant and seen the Chili Pepper Spice on the table? It’s that mixture of ground chilis and other spices. Many people love it but I am not one of them. It is too strong for my taste. The problem with buying pre-made chili pepper spice at the grocery store is that I can’t control the heat level.
I like to roast my own fresh chilis and grind them myself. This way, I know exactly what is in my Chili Pepper Spice and I can make it as spicy or mild as I would like.
You can use any kind of chili, or a combination of different kinds, to make your own fresh chili powder. The only rule is to always remove the seed and stems before grinding. If you have very mild chilies, like poblano, you may want to leave some seeds in for extra heat.
You can use a food processor or a coffee grinder (I prefer the latter), but be sure to clean it thoroughly after each use. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a cayenne-flavored coffee or chocolate!
The dried powder is great for making chili or other spicy dishes, but its flavor is best when used within six months. Store in a cool, dark place.
Chili peppers have been a part of human cultures for many thousands of years. They’re one of the oldest cultivated crops in the Americas, having been domesticated at least 6,500 years ago in Mexico and South America. While chili peppers are native to Central and South America, they are now grown all over the world.
Chili peppers are members of the family Solanaceae, along with tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, tobacco, and petunias. The two most common species used for culinary purposes are Capsicum annuum and Capsicum frutescens. Within these two species there is wide variation in size and heat level. Most chili peppers range from 500–10,000 Scovilles (the measure of capsaicin concentration). The hottest pepper known to man is the Carolina Reaper with a Scoville rating of 1.5 to 2.2 million units!
The heat of chili peppers is measured using the Scoville scale, which was created by American pharmacist Wilbur Scoville in 1912. The Scoville scale measures the amount of capsaicin present in a pepper. Capsaicin is an active component of chili peppers that produces a burning sensation in any tissue it comes into contact with. Pure capsaicin has