Want a tasty wine? Want to learn how to make it? Start with star anise.
Star anise is a spice used in Chinese cooking and traditional remedies. It’s also used as a flavoring in the making of wine.
Spices are used to improve the flavor of wine, but they can also be used to mask harshness or bitterness in wine. Star anise, which has a sweet, licorice-like flavor, is one of the spices that are used in this way.
The main ingredients of wine are water, sugar and yeast. Star anise helps change the quality of wine using these ingredients.
But star anise isn’t the only ingredient that can affect wine’s flavor. There are many other natural flavors that can be added to satisfy your taste buds during and after drinking your favorite red or white wines.
When it comes to making wine, there are a lot of different factors to consider. You have the ingredients you put into your wine, you have the type of yeast that creates your wine, and you have the processes in which your wine goes through. There is much more involved in making wine than just pouring juice into a jug and waiting for it to ferment. It takes careful consideration.
Ever wonder why a bottle of wine can cost anywhere from $5 to $15? The difference is in the quality of the ingredients that go into it.
Ingredients make up about 90% of what you taste in a glass of wine, and most are added before it ever leaves the vineyard. Things like where the grapes were grown, how they were cultivated, how ripe they were at harvest, and how long they were macerated and fermented all contribute to the character and quality of the resulting wine.
Pre-bottling ingredients are what determines whether your favorite wine will be an affordable “light” red or an expensive “heavy” red. So what can you do to get a better wine for less money? Take a look at these tips:
Making wine is a great way to get into the spirit of the season. Whether you’re a fan of red, white or rosé wine, it’s easy to make right at home.
Start by letting your corked bottle of wine breathe in a cool dark place for two hours. Then pop that sucker open and pour it into a wine glass, swirling around any sediment that’s settled to the bottom.
Inhale deeply and enjoy the aroma! Chances are it will taste even better than it smells!
While you’re waiting for your wine to breathe, take a look at your other ingredients. What types of wines do you like? Do you prefer white or red? Dry or sweet? Are you feeling fruity or floral today?
If you like red wines, try adding some cinnamon sticks and cloves for bolder flavors. Or if you like sweet wines, add some fruit slices to give them extra sweetness and flavor.
With a little bit of practice and knowledge, you’ll soon be able to make all your favorite wines at home!
Aging Wine:
No one can say for sure how long wine should be aged before drinking.
The length of time that a wine will improve depends on many factors: the type and quality of the ingredients, the climate in which it was grown, and the conditions under which it was aged.
The type of wood used to store wine can also affect how quickly a wine ages. The most common aging barrels are new oak barrels and used oak barrels, both of which have different benefits. New oak typically imparts flavors of vanilla and spice while used oak imparts a more concentrated flavor as well as a pleasant aroma.
New Oak Barrels vs Used Oak Barrels:
New oak barrels are made by charring the inside of the barrel in order to create vanillin, a compound that gives off aromas of vanilla and spices when in contact with wine. It takes time for the vanillin to form after the initial charring, so new oak barrels must be left unused for several months before they are first filled with wine. Once filled, wines aged in new oak barrels will begin to take on cask characteristics in as little as six months. These characteristics include subtle vanilla notes and other rich flavors that develop from being exposed to the wood from the inside out. Used
There are two main types of wine. For the most part, Champagne is made from Pinot Noir grapes and Burgundy from Chardonnay.
Cognac, Armagnac and Calvados are brandies distilled from fruit. They’re made by double distillation in copper stills, aged in oak barrels and are typically drunk neat or on the rocks, but can also be used in cocktails. There are other kinds of brandy as well, such as fruit brandies (like Kirsch).
Fruit brandies have their own category in the competition. Fruit must make up at least 50% of the entire volume of the bottle. These include eaux-de-vie (plural) such as pear, peach or plum and eaux-de-vie de vin(eau) (singular) such as cherry or raspberry.
Other categories include herb and grain spirits like genever and Swedish or Norwegian aquavit; liqueurs like Midori or Chambord; cream liqueurs like Bailey’s; and flavored alcohols like schnapps, Chartreuse or Becherovka from the Czech Republic.
The aroma of anise is a characteristic of the star anise, a spice that is the seed pod from a tree native to Southern China. Typically used in Chinese cuisine and five-spice powder, star anise is also popular in many other Asian cuisines.
Star anise has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It has been used as a digestive aid and to relieve stomach cramps and nausea. The essential oil contained in the seeds has been used to fight colds, flu and even some types of cancer. In fact, the entire tree has long been valued for its medicinal benefits in several Asian cultures.
The true star anise plant is small and shrubby, with dark green leaves and yellow flowers that grow into woody brown pods similar in shape to a star. The fruit inside these pods are small brownish-gray seeds that are highly aromatic.