A blog about the effect of music on exercise and performance.
For some, music has the ability to influence people in a positive way. Whether that be a bad or good influence is based on the person. When you listen to music your mind and body are automatically relaxed and put into a state of calmness. Some music can make you feel happy, sad, mad, angry, or just put you in a good mood. It puts your mind in a different place and makes you feel as if you are in another world. How does being relaxed with music have any effect on exercise intensity though? The effects of music on exercise intensity should not be underestimated.
Music can help athletes perform better during physical activity by providing motivation from the rhythm and beat of the song and by allowing their minds to be taken off their current situation. This is why many athletes listen to music before games or during workouts. Music can allow athletes to tune out any distractions around them and get into a zone that allows them to focus completely on what they need to do in order for them to perform at their best ability. With so much going on around them during games or practices it can be hard for athletes to concentrate solely on what they need to do. The beat of the song sets the pace for how they will run and how fast they will perform exercises at in order
It has been well established that music aids in exercise performance. The question is, how effective is it? [1]
Music has a profound impact on our emotions. In fact, it is perhaps the most effective non-pharmacological method of altering mood state. [2]
The significance of this effect is that music can be used to increase or decrease mood, and therefore perceived exertion.[3]
A decrease in perceived exertion allows us to exercise at a higher intensity for longer before reaching exhaustion.[4]
Through my experiment I will be determining if listening to music while exercising affects intensity level as measured by heart rate.
When listening to music, we enter into a world where rhythm, melody and harmony keep us company. Music has been known to have a powerful effect on individuals for centuries. It can help to lift our spirits and energize us when we need it most, as well as soothe us when we need to relax. What many people do not know is that music can also be used to optimize the performance of athletes during exercise. Research conducted by Costas Karageorghis and Peter Terry in 1997 suggests that music may improve exercise performance by up to 15%.
The use of music as an ergogenic aid (exercise enhancing aid) is a concept which has been around since the early 1900s. In 1924, Charles A. Porterfield began experimenting with the effects of music on physical performance and stated that “music is the greatest single factor in developing muscular efficiency”. Since then, hundreds of studies have been conducted exploring this phenomenon. In a study performed in 1997, Karageorghis and Terry concluded that there is sound evidence that synchronous music enhances physical performance through motivational means. In other words, athletes are able to perform longer periods of time before reaching exhaustion when listening to certain types of music because it helps them mentally overcome fatigue. As Karageorghis
In order to successfully complete a workout, one must be motivated. Sticking to an exercise routine is not always easy and requires a lot of motivation. Music can be the key to getting into the workout zone and keeping you focused on your workout. The beat and tempo of music can influence our pace when running or working out and can help us achieve the desired intensity we are looking for in a workout.
Music has been shown to play a role in how we perceive our exertion during exercise. A study by Karageorghis et al., (1997) found that runners perceived their workouts as being easier with music than without music. This study found that music increased perceived exertion by 12% when compared to exercising without music. Their results suggest that music can be used as an ergogenic aid in facilitating endurance performance, increasing positive affect, and reducing fatigue.
A meta-analysis conducted by Karageorghis et al., (2013) found that adding music into your workouts can increase performance by up to 15%. Music can also serve as a distraction from feelings of fatigue during training which will allow you to exercise longer with more intensity. In order to get the most out of your workouts, it is important to find the right type of music for each activity and pace