Section: How saffron is harvested

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Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, and it is also very aromatic. The aroma is a very important part of the spice because it gives a different fragrance to each dish that you use saffron in. It can be used to make many dishes taste more savory and more aromatic, so it is considered to be a spice that adds color to your dishes and helps your food look more appealing. Saffron is a great additive for any dish, but it can be used in a large variety of ways.

The cultivation of saffron starts with the harvesting of the crocus flowers. Each flower contains three stigmas, which are the part of the flower that contain the flavor and aroma of saffron. These stigmas must be harvested by hand because machines cannot pick them as easily as human hands can. There are only about three hours per day when these flowers are ready for harvest, which means there are only certain times in the year when saffron can be harvested.

The harvesting of saffron takes place over several weeks, so it takes this long for all of the flowers to bloom and then be harvested. The stigmas are then spread out on papers or screens so that air can circulate around them properly so

Saffron is a fragile flower, so the first challenge is to harvest it without damaging the plant. This is done by hand, in mid-October. The stigmas must be removed by hand because they are so delicate, and because they are the only part of the plant that contains the stigma threads. One man can pick about one kilogram of stigmas per day.

The stigmas are immediately taken from the hands of individual pickers and placed in pouches or boxes so that they will not dry out before reaching the processing facility. Some plants are selected for their large number of stigmas, some for their small. In two picking sessions, enough stigmas may be picked to fill a large sack or two even larger sacks.

If you want to know if you are buying real saffron or fake saffron, look at the thread count! Because 2/3 of your money goes straight to the government, vendors have an incentive to use low-grade material!

Saffron is the dried red stigma of the flower of Crocus sativus, a species native to Southwest Asia. Saffron crocus grows up to 20 inches (50 cm) high, with flowers in autumn that last about two weeks; the flowers are hermaphroditic and self-fertilizing. The stigmas must be picked by hand; they are dried to prevent oxidization and then sold.

The saffron crocus, unknown in the wild, probably originated in Crete. It was first cultivated in Greece or Crete during the Bronze Age, and then spread to India and Southeastern Europe.[6]

Saffron corms are very difficult to cultivate, requiring human intervention for successful cultivation, which has made its price extremely high. A pound (454 g) of dry saffron requires 50,000–75,000 flowers,[7][8] representing a yield of 0.1%–0.2%. As a result, saffron became economically unviable in many places where it had been grown previously.[9]

Crocus sativus is unusual among flowers in being pollinated by insects; bees are most often seen as pollinators but other insects may transport pollen between

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. A pound of saffron threads costs hundreds of dollars. The threads have to be picked by hand and they have to be picked at exactly the right moment or they are worthless. The flower it comes from only blooms for a few days every year, so farmers have to make careful plans ahead of time.

A saffron crop is a family’s entire investment for a year, so there is enormous pressure to get it right. And yet every year many Indian farmers lose their entire crop because they pick it too early, or because they don’t pick it at all and someone else beats them to it.

Domestic tensions also play a big role in the harvesting process, since members of a family often disagree about whether or not to pick their crop at all. Women who want their husbands to take an extra day off work can sabotage the harvest by picking prematurely.

Saffron, the most expensive spice in the world, is made from the stigmata of a particular kind of purple crocus flower. The flower grows in autumn and is hand-picked each day due to its short blooming period. The saffron crocus flowers for about eight weeks. To ensure that the bulbs do not become dried out, they are picked at dawn when their moisture content is still high and then placed upside down on wooden racks to allow them to dry naturally. They are then carefully sorted according to grade and cleaned thoroughly before being packed for sale.

Saffron is a spice derived from a variety of crocus flower. It takes about 75,000 flowers to make one pound of saffron. That translates to about 43 hours hand-picking flowers and sorting threads by hand, which is what’s done in Spain, the world’s largest producer of saffron.

But picking the flowers is only the first step. The petals are then dried and sorted, and finally packed for shipment. The threads are soaked in hot water and then dried again in the sun, so they can be stored until they’re ready to be sold.

The whole process is painstaking. But every pound of saffron also contains an ounce of stigmas—the tiny pistils that yield the saffron spice—which means there’s a lot of work for a low return. Each pound sells for about $1,000, but harvesting each pound takes over three weeks’ worth of labor.

Even with all this effort, saffron is still considered one of the world’s most expensive spices.

Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the “saffron crocus.” Saffron, an autumn-flowering perennial plant native to Southwest Asia and North Africa, bears up to four flowers a season; each flower yields pale yellow stigmas—the distal end of a carpel—which are dried and used in cooking as a seasoning and colouring agent.

Tahiti produces nearly 90% of the world’s saffron, yielding several tons annually, worth US$20 million. The leading producing nations are Italy, Greece, India and Spain.

The saffron crocus is unknown in the wild; it is propagated only through vegetative reproduction. Some evidence indicates that long-term domestication in separate locations makes different selections among biological variants available for cultivation, which might include traits that would be deleterious under other circumstances. For example, selective breeding has produced strains that lack the dark violet pigmentation and fragility of wild plants. Bioengineering research has shown that manipulation of certain genes causes the plant to produce more saffron with less than ideal conditions than otherwise would occur naturally.

In Iran it is primarily cultivated around Kashan city

Farming takes place between

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