New Mexico fajitas have been around since the 1970’s and are to be found in restaurants throughout the state. They are not, as some would have you believe, the invention of a single restaurant but rather a regional variation. The best New Mexico fajitas are served in restaurants that serve other Mexican cuisine as well; their Santa Fe roots are often reflected in their decor and the menu items they offer.
Tucson Style Fajitas: This blog is about the history of fajitas, how they’re made and who they are named after.
The reason fajitas are so popular is that they are grilled meat served in a tortilla. You can also make fajitas in an oven but for some reason the taste just isn’t the same. The seasoning for the meat is different depending on which region of Mexico you are from, the meat itself differs from place to place and even the way it is cooked differs from house to house.
Tortillas, or ‘tacos’, as they are known in Mexico, come in two main flavors – flour and corn, with different regions having their favorite. In Nuevo Leon Fajitas are made with flour tortillas while in Sonora they prefer corn. The type of cut of meat is also important to the taste of the dish and is often debated between people from different regions. Some people in Mexico will only eat skirt steak cut into strips, others will only use flank steak or sirloin. That’s why when you visit Mexico you will see many types of cuts and sizes of steak on a Fajita platter. The most popular meat eaten in Mexico is beef and chicken although pork, lamb and fish are also popular. All these meats can be used for making Fajitas as long as they are
Even today, most Americans think of fajitas as a Southwestern dish. Their association with Texas is strong, even though they’re rarely cooked there. The state’s proximity to Mexico makes it the most logical choice. But the history of fajitas tells another story.
Tacos and fajitas are so close in name and origin that you might expect them to have grown up together. Yet the first fajita-style tacos were served in the US long before their Mexican counterparts appeared. Fajita meat (chicken, beef or shrimp) was slow-cooked over mesquite coals for hours at a time, in contrast to tacos which could be made in minutes using traditional techniques. They were originally known as “Texas tacos,” or “puffy tacos,” and invented by Hispanic workers at the Ninfa’s restaurant chain in Houston, Texas during the 1970s. So how did this distinctly Texan taco come to be called a ‘fajita?’
The answer lies not in Texas but in Mexico City and northern Mexico. The word ‘faja’ translates as ‘belt’ or ‘band,’ and refers to strips of meat usually
Fajitas are a dish of grilled meat served in a hot flour or corn tortilla. Fajitas are originated in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. The meat, which is marinated and grilled, is sliced thin and then served with lettuce, guacamole, pico de gallo, cheese and sour cream. Although it is popularly believed that fajita stands were created to serve the influx of tourists to South Padre Island, there are several restaurants that claim to have invented the fajita concept prior to the 1970s.
The word “fajita” comes from the Tex-Mex word “faja” which means “belt”, possibly a reference to the serving style (a small amount of meat rolled up in a tortilla). According to one popular story, fajitas were invented by Ignacio “Nacho” Anaya in 1969 at his restaurant on Highway 77 between Harlingen and Brownsville, Texas.
Fajitas are a dish from Mexican cuisine which originated in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The dish consists of strips of meat (usually beef) and onions, which can be either grilled or fried. It is served in a flour tortilla with guacamole, pico de gallo and cheese.
The name fajita is a diminutive form of the Spanish word faja or “belt”, referring to the small cut of meat. It is also known as arrachera in other parts of Mexico.
Fajitas are traditionally consumed as an appetizer, but may also be served as a main course accompanied by rice, beans, salad and tortillas. In America they are usually served with flour tortillas while in Mexico they are normally served with corn tortillas.
The use of onions and bell peppers as a garnish has no historical precedent in Mexican cuisine and was introduced to the dish outside of Mexico City.
Fajitas have wide appeal because they are usually cooked to order and can be made spicy or not depending on taste. Many restaurants outside Texas serve fajitas seasoned with spices such as cumin and chili powder however Texans regard this as an incorrect preparation by non-Texans who do not know how to properly
Fajitas is a popular dish in the United States made from strips of the meat and onions, grilled over a charcoal fire. The word fajita comes from the Spanish word faja, which means “belt” or “girdle” and refers to the strip of meat that is wrapped around the waist.
The original fajitas were made from skirt steak, but have since evolved into strips of chicken and beef. They are served in flour tortillas along with guacamole, sour cream and salsa. Fajitas originated in Mexican cuisine but gained popularity in Texas when Ninfa Rodriguez, who owned a restaurant called Ninfa’s on Navigation Boulevard in Houston, added fajitas to her menu in 1974.