What is the difference between togarashi and wasabi?
Togarashi (or “Japanese chili pepper”) is a spice blend that originated in Japan. It includes various ingredients: Japanese chilies (of course), Sichuan pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and nori.
Wasabi is a very different spice from Togarashi. It is often called Japanese horseradish, but it is much milder than European horseradish. Wasabi has a very distinctive taste that is difficult for anyone not familiar with it to describe. But it’s a sharp kind of hotness, not an intense burning like capsaicin in chili peppers.
Togarashi and wasabi are two completely different kinds of spices, and are not interchangeable in recipes.
Wasabi, the green paste that comes in a tube, is not made from the root of a bush like its artisanally crafted brother, true wasabi. Wasabi is made from spicy rhizomes and it looks like ginger.
The difference between wasabi and togarashi is more than just a matter of origin. The two hot spices are related but distinct in flavor. Wasabi has a hot-sweet flavor that can be traced back to the mustard family. Togarashi has a distinctively sharp spiciness that’s closer to red chili peppers. The taste of wasabi is subtle and complex, with hints of fresh horseradish, lime and menthol. To get to the heart of what makes it so special would take an entire book, but for now it’s enough to know that it’s one of those rare things in life worth seeking out.”
I think what you’re looking for is a translation of “karashi” as “spicy.” However, karashi is not the Japanese word for spicy (that would be “atsu-kaji”). Karashi is the Japanese word for hot pepper. It’s usually used in a compound, like wasabi or tsukemono.
The two words have very different flavors. Wasabi has a refreshing, almost sweet flavor. Karashi has a bouquet that includes hints of garlic and horseradish, along with the bite of the pepper itself. It’s also more pungent than wasabi.
For example, when you eat yakitori, you dip it in sauce before eating (or at least I do). The sauce is made from karashi.
Karashi is a spice used in Japanese cuisine. It is most often translated as horseradish, but actually has little to do with the horseradish we know and love in the West.
Togarashi was first created by the Buddhist monks who occupied Mt. Fugi, near Kyoto, in the 8th century. They made small amounts of it and sold it, along with their other wares, at their mountain-top store.
The monks’ version of togarashi was made from a mixture of chili peppers, mustard seed, ginger root and seaweed.
In the 17th century, samurai warriors invaded Mt. Fugi, burning down the monastery and killing all but one monk who managed to escape with his life and a small amount of togarashi. He eventually made his way to Tokyo where he sold small amounts of the stuff on street corners. In the 19th century, a merchant named Fusaichi opened a shop in Tokyo that sold shakers of ground togarashi mixed with salt (karashi). The name stuck.
What is the difference between wasabi and togarashi? Togarashi is said to have a stronger flavor than wasabi, but I personally don’t really see that much of a difference. But both are really good for you with lots of nutrients. Here are some of the benefits of both:
-Anti-bacterial properties
-Aids in digestion
-Regulates blood pressure
-Anti-inflammatory properties
Both Japanese and Chinese have used these spices for years. The Japanese typically eat them on top of sushi or sashimi, while the Chinese eat them on dumplings, soups, and various other foods. They’re available in Asian markets and even in some supermarkets.
One thing that I’ve found with eating ginger is that it can be used to treat nausea and also help aid in recovery after vomiting. My dad gets nauseous sometimes so I’ll make him some ginger tea. It’s also good for a cold or the flu too. Ginger can also be used to help with migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, diarrhea, nausea, cholera, stomach upset, etc… There are tons of uses for ginger!
First off, let’s clear up some of the misconceptions. Togarashi is not a spice in the same way that cinnamon or cumin is. It is a seasoning that, depending on how you use it and who you ask, can be either a spice or a condiment. I’ve heard it referred to as a “flavor enhancer”, which is probably the best way to describe it.
I have found that most people think of togarashi as being extremely spicy, and while this may be true for some varieties, it really all depends on what type you buy. There are three main types of togarashi: shichimi (the most common), nanami and sansho. Shichimi tends to be the spiciest of the three but still much less so than most people expect. In fact, most of the time when I explain what togarashi is to someone and tell them it’s spicy they say something along the lines of “that’s not very spicy”. Nanami is slightly less spicy than shichimi with an earthier flavor and sansho is usually only used in dishes where you want some extra kick so it’s pretty much always going to be hot as well as pungent. So if you
Ingredient profile:
Wasabi has a hot, sharp flavor that can be described as being somewhere between hot mustard and horseradish. It’s pungent, but not overwhelming, and it has a hint of sweetness that helps to balance out its heat.