In the Kitchen… What to do with allspice berries? Stir it into drinks, baking, savory dishes

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Allspice berries are a very versatile spice. They taste like a combination of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. There are two ways to use allspice berries in the kitchen: whole or ground.

Whole allspice berries can be used to flavor drinks, baking, and savory dishes just like cinnamon sticks, cloves, and nutmeg. To use whole allspice berries, simply remove the berries from their fleshy covering and add them whole to the recipe. When ground, allspice berries will retain their flavor for about 6 months if stored in an airtight container in a dark place.

The best way to use ground allspice is to add it at the end of preparation (especially with baking). Ground allspice can easily overpower a dish or drink if added too soon. In general, you should experiment with small amounts of ground allspice until you find what you like best.

In the kitchen, allspice berries are primarily used to add a distinctive flavor to many sweet and savory dishes. In baking, they are commonly used in fruitcake, gingerbread, and pumpkin pie.

In drinks, they are common in hot chocolate, mulled cider, and eggnog. They can also be added to tea or coffee for a different flavor.

In savory dishes, they are a key ingredient in pickling spice blends, barbecue rubs, and jerk seasoning. They can also be added to soups and stews.

Allspice berries have been used as a substitute for peppercorns because of their peppery flavor.

When using allspice berries in cooking it is important to use whole spices instead of pre-ground versions of the spice. Pre-ground versions will lose their flavor more quickly. In addition, grinding your own spices gives you better control over the texture of the final dish.”

There are a lot of uses for allspice berries. They have a flavor that is very similar to a combination of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. This means you can use them to spice up lots of different dishes; from drinks to desserts to main courses and more.

One interesting thing about allspice is that its flavor is only fully released when it is ground. So if you have whole berries, you will be missing out on some of the flavor they can bring to your dishes!

So how do you get to use them?

Well, there are two ways to use them: fresh or dried. In both cases, you should remember that the flavor will come out best when you grind them up in a mortar and pestle or in an electric grinder. If you want to do this with fresh berries, simply take six of them and place them in the grinder along with any other ingredients you want to add such as sugar or cinnamon. You also can add some water as well if you want; this will help release the flavor of the berries better than just grinding them alone (another option instead of water would be rum).

Dried ones are easier since they already have been dried prior to entering their current state (though even dried, they are

The allspice berry, or as we call it, Jamaican pepper is the dried fruit of the allspice tree. The tree itself is native to Jamaica and other areas of the Caribbean. It’s also grown in Central America and South America.

As its name suggests, the allspice berry has a flavor profile similar to a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. That said, it has a distinctive taste that is slightly different from any one of those spices (and can be substituted for any of them).

The allspice berry is used in mixed drinks like rum punches, mulled wines and egg nog as well as baking items such as pies and cakes. The berry itself is about the size of an apricot pit and comes in either a light brown or dark green color. Dried allspice berries have a shelf life of 12-18 months if kept dry and out of direct sunlight.

If you’re wondering how to use this unique spice in your kitchen, here are a few suggestions:

Allspice is such a versatile spice. Not only are these little berries delicious and flavorful, but they are very versatile as well. These little guys can be used for cooking, baking, drinks and even in beauty products! Here are some of the best ways to use allspice berries:

What is Allspice Berries?

Allspice is a dried berry from the Pimenta Dioica plant, which is related to the myrtle family. The berries are harvested when they are green, then packed in an oleoresin and allowed to ripen before drying. They are then sold as whole berries, or ground into a powder.


The taste of allspice is similar to a combination of cinnamon and cloves, hence one of its other names – Jamaican Pepper. It has a pungent aroma and pepper-like taste. It is used in both sweet and savory dishes, especially curries and pickling recipes. In cakes and cookies it can be used in small amounts for flavor and as a substitute for both cinnamon and cloves. In addition it can be added to mulled wine.

The main use of allspice today is in the food industry, but it has also been used traditionally in herbal medicine as a digestive aid.*


Allspice (from the Pimenta dioica tree) was named because it tastes like a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves; these spices were once known as the ‘spices of Jamaica’. Its name comes from the Spanish pim

Allspice berries are the dried berry of the Pimenta dioica plant. They are picked before they ripen, which is why they are green instead of red. The berries have a sweet scent and a warm, aromatic taste similar to a combination of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Allspice’s flavor has also been described as peppery, juniper-like and smelling like roses.

Tropical in origin, allspice is now cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions. The most productive growing regions include Jamaica, Mexico, Central America and Indonesia. In Jamaica it is called pimento and is often incorporated into Jello or used as a spice for local dishes like jerk chicken.

The name allspice was given by Europeans because its flavor resembles a blend of cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon. It may also be referred to as newspice, Jamaican pepper or pimenta.

Allspice berries are about the size of peppercorns and are dark brown to black in color. When dried, these berries become hard and wrinkled on the outside but remain soft and pliant on the inside with a texture comparable to anise or bay leaves. In appearance they resemble large brown peppercorns with the aroma

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