How to spice things up in the kitchen

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Cinnamon is one of the most popular spices in the world, and one of the oldest.

For many centuries, cinnamon was one of the most valuable commodities in the world. It was so highly prized that it was often used as currency.

Cinnamon comes from a fragrant bark found on trees in tropical countries like Sri Lanka and Madagascar. The spice is made from grinding the bark into powder form, which can be enjoyed in a wide variety of dishes to add a sweet, spicy flavor.

In ancient times, cinnamon was so rare that only the very wealthy could afford to use it. Kings would sometimes use it as payment for soldiers or servants. But today, you can find cinnamon in any grocery store or supermarket.”*citation needed*

Cinnamon is the inner bark of a tropical tree. Cinnamon sticks are the dried, rolled up bark. It’s warm and fragrant, and it tastes great. You can put it in coffee, or sprinkle it on cereal or applesauce or pudding (or just eat a spoonful).

Cinnamon is a good thing to have around the house.

Cinnamon has some unusual physical properties. If you put a stick of cinnamon in a glass of water, it will slowly sink to the bottom. You may think I am making that up, but I’m not. Try it yourself!

This oddity is explained by the fact that cinnamon is less dense than water. That’s unusual for something so long and skinny, but there it is: if you’re going to be strange and out of the ordinary, better to be light than dark!

I don’t know why cinnamon is less dense than water. Maybe when it grows up in the rainforest, it gets wetter than things that grow on land. Maybe being underwater gives it some kind of advantage in photosynthesis. Whatever the reason, this makes it easier to store: you just drop the sticks in water and let them sit there until you need them.

Cinnamon is a special case. You can buy it in sticks, but then you have to grate it yourself. You can buy it in the ground, but that’s not practical unless you’re making large batches of Indian food. And cinnamon is expensive: for every pound of cinnamon, you need about 3 pounds of bark. So most people who use cinnamon buy it whole and grind it as needed.

The grinding of spices was one of the great advances in cooking technology, with huge consequences for our sense of smell and taste. In the days before grinding, spices were far more expensive than meat; they were mainly used as medicines or preservatives. Grinding made them cheap enough that they could be used to flavor ordinary dishes. We would not want to give up on cinnamon just because we couldn’t afford a pound of it at a time; after all, we might need only a pinch per meal. But if we had no way to grind it ourselves, we would probably go back to buying it only occasionally.*

Cinnamon is a spice from the bark of a small tree. The tree native to Sri Lanka, but it has also been cultivated in India for so long that India now has more trees growing than Sri Lanka does.

Cinnamon is popular because it is tasty and because it gives a sweet smell to baked goods. It is also a good preservative; baked goods with cinnamon in them stay fresh longer.

The word cinnamon comes from the Greek word kinnamon, which was adapted from the ancient Tamil name kari-mondi. The Romans had a similar spice they called cassia, which they got from Arabia. Cassia and cinnamon are the same thing; they are two different names for the same plant, and we don’t know how the Romans could tell them apart.

This is because on their own, cinnamon and cassia do not taste much different. But when you bake them with other ingredients, they give different flavors: cassia gives an almond flavor and cinnamon gives a spicy flavor. That’s why pastries made with one or the other are distinctive: apple pie with cassia tastes like almond cookies or marzipan, while apple pie with cinnamon tastes like apple pie.

Cinnamon is the dried inner bark of a tropical evergreen tree. Cinnamomum cassia, to be specific. It’s harvested by peeling off whole strips of bark and beating the strips with mallets in order to loosen a layer of tough brown skin. The peeled and beaten bark is then left to dry.

The flavor of cinnamon has been prized for millennia. It was valued as early as the ancient Egyptians, who used it for embalming, and it has been used in Chinese medicine since at least the third century BCE. Its use as a flavoring spread from there to ancient Greece and Rome, where it was highly prized; Pliny the Elder lists cinnamon (along with silver, gold, emeralds, and pearls) as one of Rome’s “four precious things.”

Cinnamon is a spice derived from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum. It is used in both sweet and savoury dishes.

Cinnamon has been known since antiquity and was very highly regarded by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians, who introduced it to Arabia. There it became an important article of trade, and was eventually brought to southern Europe, around 1000 AD. From there it spread to India and China, where most of the world still gets its supply.

The word “cinnamon” is from Greek kinnamon or kinnamomon which means “China fennel”, because it came to Greece via the Phoenician traders who obtained it from China by way of India.

Cinnamon is a spice that has been used for thousands of years. It’s also one of the most popular spices in the world today.

Investing can be compared to cooking. There are certain ingredients, or assets, that go into the pot. The investor cooks them up and serves them to investors who can choose whether they want to invest in the “dish.”

Cinnamon is not one of these ingredients. But it’s an ingredient that makes other ingredients taste better.

What does that mean? Well, suppose you have some apples, oranges and potatoes: basic ingredients for a typical meal. If you throw in a pinch of cinnamon, all of a sudden your apples taste like oranges, your potatoes taste like apples and your oranges taste like potatoes!

That sounds weird, but it happens on Wall Street every day.

You are probably familiar with combining different stocks to create what is called a stock portfolio. (Or perhaps you aren’t). That’s where different stocks from different companies are combined together to form portfolios with specific characteristics. The value of the stock portfolio depends on the values of each individual stock as well as how they relate to each other.

The same idea applies when combining different assets classes into what Wall Street calls an asset allocation strategy. The asset

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