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Szechuan peppercorn is a spice which is used in some Oriental dishes. It adds a kind of peppery flavor to the food and, to many people, it makes them mad.

What causes this form of madness? What are the symptoms of Szechuan peppercorn madness? How can you cure Szechuan peppercorn madness and prevent it from happening again?

These are all questions that will be answered in this article. Read on to learn more about Szechuan peppercorn and what can be done about it.

What Is Szechuan Peppercorn?

Szechuan pepper is actually not a type of pepper at all, but rather a berry from the prickly ash tree. It has its origins in Asia, specifically China, India and Nepal. This berry is used as a spice today, particularly in Chinese cooking. In fact, one of the reasons that it’s called “Szechuan” is that it’s used frequently in Sichuan cuisine, which is a type of Chinese cooking.

The berries are red or green when they’re ripe and are about the size of a pea. The berries are dried before being used as spices because drying removes the naturally occurring toxin that’s in them. This

Consuming hot or spicy food, or chiles, can cause a transient increase in blood pressure. The same is true of consuming alcohol. Although the acute rise in blood pressure may be quite dramatic and of short duration, sustained consumption of such foods will not lead to sustained hypertension.

Probably the most widely used medication for reduction of blood pressure is called “Captopril.” Captopril is a drug that reduces the body’s production of angiotensin-II. Angiotensin-II is a peptide (a small protein) produced by the kidneys which causes the arteries to constrict and raises blood pressure. Captopril works by blocking the action of angiotensin-II and thereby lowering blood pressure.

Szechuan peppercorn is the name of a spice which is added to food or used to make medicine. It comes from a plant in Sichuan Province in China and its scientific name is Zanthoxylum piperitum. In Chinese medicine it is used to treat blood pressure, fever and rheumatism.

Treatment with Szechuan Pepper.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that the Szechuan pepper helps in stimulating body temperature and blood circulation, thereby increasing metabolism. Studies have shown that this spice has antioxidant properties which help to fight free radicals in the body and prevent the onset of cancerous cells.

There are several ways in which the pepper can be used to relieve ailments like high blood pressure, rheumatism and fever:

Tea made by boiling 8g of the peppercorn powder in 350 ml of water for 10 minutes can be taken twice a day.

This tea can also be used as a gargle for sore throats and ulcers.

A decoction prepared by adding 3-4g of the pepper powder to 250ml water can relieve body pain caused by rheumatism. It can also be used as an enema for rectal administration or as a douche for vaginal administration

The szechuan peppercorn (or Sichuan peppercorn, Chinese pepper; also known as prickly ash) is the fruit of a plant in the citrus family (Rutaceae) called Zanthoxylum piperitum. It is used as part of Chinese and Indian cuisine.

The Szechuan peppercorn has a delicate aroma, with citrus and floral notes; it is not as hot as black pepper but has a tingling numbness (analgesic) that sets it apart from other peppercorns. The flavour of this spice has been described as having a sweeter, less pungent flavour than black pepper.


Although it looks like black pepper, Szechuan pepper tastes different because of its unique fragrant essential oils. It has a citrusy, floral aroma and an earthier scent than black pepper. The flavour is not as hot as that of black pepper but slightly tingly and numbing.

Szechuan peppercorns are usually dried to preserve them, making them darker than black or green peppercorns. They can be turned into powder form using a spice grinder that can be bought online or at any store that sells cooking spices. The powder can be stored for up

Szechuan peppercorns are the dried berries of a tree native to Szechuan Province in China. They are one of the spices used in making Chinese Five-Spice Powder. When you eat them, they have a mild numbing effect. This is caused by the active ingredient, “dehydroalanine”. It’s not that spicy, but it’s still interesting.

Description:The active ingredient is a neurotoxin called “dehydroalanine”. If consumed in large amounts, it is known to cause numbness and tingling of the mouth and throat, dryness, and skin flushing (reddening). These symptoms are short-lived and go away within an hour.


Adults – 1/4 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon per day (1 gram to 3 grams per day)

Children – 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon per day (2 grams to 3 grams per day)

Szechuan peppercorn is a spice that comes from the prickly ash tree. It is also known as Chinese prickly ash, sansho, Japanese pepper, and “zhi shi”. As a spice, it has a hot and spicy flavor similar to black pepper but with a citrusy kick.

Taste buds on your tongue detect the heat from Szechuan pepper; the trigeminal nerve picks up the other sensations. Your mouth will feel numb for about 15 seconds after eating it. The numbness is caused by the piperine in the peppercorns which inhibits the transmission of pain messages to your brain.

When you eat Szechuan pepper you will experience what is called “hada” or “tantan” in Japanese. Hada is described as a strong, tingling sensation on your tongue and lips. This can be caused by capsaicin which is present in some peppers.

Szechuan peppers are commonly used in Asian cooking to give food an extra kick of flavor and heat. They are often added to stir fried foods or eaten raw sprinkled over noodles or rice dishes. In China, they are often added to warm beef stews when they are ready to be served.*

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