Allspice berries, also known as Jamaica pepper, are the unripened fruit of the allspice tree. Allspice is a member of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) and is native to the Caribbean.
The spice is named for its flavor, which is reminiscent of a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. The name “allspice” is derived from the Latin “oleum” or “olibanum” and refers to its aroma.
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Allspice berries, sometimes called Jamaican pepper, are the dried fruit of the Pimenta dioica plant. They are less pungent than their close relative, the clove, and have a warm, cinnamon-like taste. It is also known to be a natural remedy for stomach upsets and colds.
This aromatic spice belongs to the myrtle family, which makes its botanical name Pimenta dioica (literally “two lives”).
The tree grows in tropical regions such as Jamaica, Mexico and Central America. When ripe, it is harvested by hand. The outer green skin is removed and the white inner aril is removed from each berry. The berries become spicy red when dried in the sun for several days.
They are often used in baking or as an ingredient in curries and pickling spices.
Allspice berries are available whole or ground in many supermarkets. Whole allspice berries can be stored in an airtight container for up to 3 years at room temperature.
Allspice berries, also known as Pimenta dioica, are the fruit of a tree that is native to Central America, the Caribbean and southern Mexico. They are now cultivated in tropical regions around the world and have been used for many centuries.
The name “allspice” may be derived from the fact that allspice has the aroma of a combination of clove, cinnamon and nutmeg. The aroma is often described as a blend of eucalyptus and menthol. Although not as strong as black pepper or cinnamon, allspice has a similar pungency when compared to other spices. In addition to its uses for flavoring food, it is also used in herbal medicine and in cigarettes.
Allspice berries are usually dried before being used in cooking or baking (which enhances their flavor). Allspice can be purchased dried or preserved in vinegar or alcohol. It can also be found fresh and frozen.
In addition to being used as a spice allspice berries are also an ingredient in many liqueurs such as Benedictine, Chartreuse and Cointreau. The berries are also ground up and added to pickling spice mixes along with mustard seeds and turmeric.
A few things to keep in
Allspice berries are the fruit of a small evergreen tree native to Central and South America where it is known as pimenta dioica.
The name allspice comes from the fact that this berry tastes like a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.
Used for centuries in traditional medicine, allspice is said to aid digestion and help relieve colds and flu symptoms.
It has also been used to soothe sore throats and improve circulation.
Allspice berries are pickled with cabbage or carrots before being used in cooking.
They are a great addition to stews, curries, soups, pies and sweets such as apple pie or sweet potato pie.
In Germany they are used to flavor Lebkuchen (gingerbread), cookies, cakes and liqueurs.
Allspice berries are the dried, unripened fruits of Pimenta dioica. The tree is native to the Caribbean and Central America and is cultivated in tropical areas around the world. Allspice is also known as Jamaica pepper and pimenta.
The allspice tree is a small evergreen that grows to a height of 6 to 15 feet (1.8-4.6 m). Allspice trees are slow growing, taking about four years before they start producing fruit; then they will produce for about 50 more years. The plant is started from cuttings or from seeds that have been allowed to dry and harden in the sun for several weeks. Cutting propagation takes about 6 years, compared to 2 years for seed propagation.
Allspice berries, also known as Jamaican pepper, are the dried unripe berries of the Pimenta dioica plant. The plant grows in the tropical regions of Central and South America and the Caribbean. The name “allspice” comes from a combination of the word “spice” and alluding to the flavor which is similar to a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. The flavor is also similar to juniper berries.
How Are Allspice Berries Grown?
Allspice can be grown in any tropical climate, but it is primarily cultivated in Jamaica and Haiti. Plantation owners use pruning or grafting to ensure that each plant bears only one large berry at maturity. Allspice plants take about six years to reach maturity. They thrive in full sun with regular watering and fertilization but cannot withstand frost or cold temperatures. After harvesting, allspice berries are dried in the sun on patios or spread out on wooden racks for several weeks until they are completely dry.
The drying process is very important for two reasons: It helps preserve the spice for extended periods of time and it intensifies the flavor.
What Does Allspice Taste Like?
This spice has been described as having
Allspice is the dried, unripe fruit from the allspice tree. The name isn’t a marketing ploy but a mispronunciation of the old English word for the spice, “pikins.”
The Allspice Tree
Allspice is a small tree that grows up to 25 feet tall and has shiny, dark green leaves and white flowers. Its fruit looks like a small peppercorn and smells like a combination of clove, cinnamon, and nutmeg (hence the name). When dried, it turns reddish brown in color and releases its spicy aroma.
Taste and Uses
Though allspice has the flavor of several spices including cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, its flavor is much more subdued than those three spices because it contains oils that are not as strong. It also contains eugenol (the same compound found in cloves), making it more aromatic than many other spices. It is used in cakes and cookies; as a rub for meats; in spiced rum; as an ingredient in barbecue sauces and some pickles; and to flavor vegetables such as baked potatoes and carrots.
Allspice was first used by European explorers who brought it back from their travels in the Caribbean. Some people believe