9 Tips for Cooking with Guajillo Peppers that’s not too Spicy but still Flavorful

Guajillo chiles are the dried version of the mirasol chile. They are long, skinny, bright red in color, and have a tough, shiny skin. Guajillos are usually about 3 to 4 inches long and about ½ inch wide. They’re not as hot as other dried peppers, with a Scoville scale rating of 2,500 to 5,000 units. That said, they pack a great flavor that is earthy and smoky with a hint of berry-like sweetness. They pair well with citrus flavors such as lime juice or orange zest and are used often in mole sauces and marinades. Guajillo chiles are available at most hispanic grocery stores or online here.

I’ve also written an article on how to cook with guajillo peppers which you can read here:

9 Tips for Cooking With Guajillo Peppers That’s Not Too Spicy but Still Flavorful: A Guide for Novice Cooks

If you are looking for a way to spice up your meals and make something that is not too spicy but still flavorful, consider cooking with Guajillo peppers. Guajillo peppers (pronounced gwa-HEE-yo) are the second most commonly used pepper in Mexican cuisine after Ancho peppers. They are relatively mild with a Scoville heat rating of 2,500 to 5,000 units which makes them milder than Jalapeno peppers. They have a sweet and smoky flavor with hints of berry and green tea. Guajillo chili peppers pair really well with cinnamon, cloves, cumin, and garlic.

Guajillo peppers are also known as Tampiqueño chiles because they originated from the Mexican state of Tamaulipas.

9 Tips for Cooking with Guajillo Peppers

1) Look for dry, pliable chiles that are dark red in color without any wrinkles or blemishes. You can buy them whole or already ground into a powder. The whole chiles can last up to 12 months when stored properly in a sealed glass container away from direct light and heat sources. The powdered version should be used within 6 months for best flavor and color retention.

2) Since Guajillo chili

Guajillos are a great chili pepper to use in dishes because they’re not too spicy (2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units) but still very flavorful. They have a deep red color and are quite pliable so using them for enchiladas is a snap. Here are my tips for cooking with these peppers.

1. Dried Guajillo Peppers

If you can’t find guajillos in your local grocery store, try the Hispanic section of your store or the Mexican aisle. If that doesn’t work, you can always buy them online on Amazon. Either way, look for dried guajillo peppers that are dark red and pliable. They should not have any cracks in them or spots where they might be moldy or soft. You’ll need to remove the stems and seeds before you use them, so store these extras in a zip top baggie to use later.

2. Make Chili Paste

When you’re ready to use the peppers, rinse them with water first to remove any dirt or dust that might be on them. Then soak the peppers in hot water for 15 minutes to soften them up. Remove the stems and seeds; I usually cut

If you love the flavor of guajillo peppers but are not used to cooking with spicy foods, these tips will help you create delicious dishes that aren’t too hot. Guajillos are a staple in Mexican cuisine, and for good reason. They’re flavorful, smoky, and fruity all at once. If you want to try your hand at cooking with guajillos, here are some tips for making them less spicy.

1. Remove the Seeds and Veins

The seeds and veins of chili peppers are where most of the heat is concentrated. To tame guajillos, start by cutting off the tops and scraping out the seeds with a knife or spoon. Make a small slit lengthwise down one side of each pepper and remove the veins if you really want to tone down the heat.

2. Soak in Water + Vinegar

This is a common technique in Mexican cooking that helps remove some of the heat while infusing flavor at the same time. Pour boiling water over your chiles and let them soak for 30 minutes before using them as directed in your recipe. You could also add vinegar or lime juice to your soaking liquid to add more flavor.

3. Roast Them First

Roasting guaj

Native to Mexico, guajillo peppers are one of the most commonly used dried chiles in Mexican cuisine. They have a mild heat with a fruity flavor that makes them the perfect ingredient to add to so many dishes.

The guajillo has a deep red color when dried and is not as hot as other chiles, such as the arbol or pequin. When you are cooking with guajillo peppers it’s important to know that they require a little more prep work than other dried chiles, but they are very easy to use and cook with.

Guajillo peppers have 2,500-5,000 Scoville heat units making them only slightly spicier than the jalapeno pepper (which has 2,500-8,000 SHU). The guajillo pepper rates about half as hot as the serrano pepper which comes in at 10,000-25,000 SHU.

If you love Mexican food then you might already be familiar with the guajillo pepper. It’s one of the three peppers that make up adobo sauce along with ancho chiles and chipotle peppers. You can also find them used in caldo de pollo or chicken soup.

I love using

Guajillo peppers are not really spicy. The heat level is only 2,500 to 5,000 SHU, which is in the mild range of peppers.

However, they have a unique flavor that you need to master. This article will show you how to cook with guajillo peppers.

If you love Mexican food, then you should try cooking with guajillo peppers. They are inexpensive and easy to find in most grocery stores or online. You can easily use them to create delicious dishes such as:

Mole sauce (use our recipe to make it)

Enchilada sauce (also use our easy recipe for this)

Salsa verde (this is a variation of our salsa verde recipe)

Most people know about chipotle peppers and ancho chiles, but guajillos are often overlooked. I think this is because they can be a little tricky to work with if you don’t know how to prepare them properly.

The guajillo pepper is a relatively mild chile pepper (1,500 to 5,000 on the Scoville scale) that is most commonly used in Mexican cuisine. The word “guajillo” means “big pod” in Spanish. These peppers are one of the most common chilies in Mexico – second only to the ancho pepper.

The guajillo pepper is a dried mirasol chili pepper. It’s long and skinny, like a cigar. It’s a deep red color that can vary from light to dark depending on how ripe they were when harvested.

As mentioned, guajillo peppers are very common in Mexican cooking and are used to make salsas and sauces for enchiladas, tacos and other traditional dishes. These peppers are also often ground up into powder which gives food a spicy kick.

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